
June 2023

Trustfolio Ltd Secures Certification to ISO 27001

URM would like to congratulate Trustfolio Ltd, a leading ‘debt-tech’ firm on securing certification to ISO 27001, the International Standard for Information Security Management. By obtaining ISO 27001 certification, Trustfolio has demonstrated its commitment to maintaining a proactive approach to managing information security, improving its risk management processes, and protecting sensitive information from a range of threats. - Lou Yates, Co-founder and CEO of Trustfolio comments ‘As a leading provider of superior debt solutions and advice through powerful, bespoke technology, information security is of paramount importance to Trustfolio.’

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June 2023

URM at Oxford Business Expo

URM is pleased to announce it will be attending the Oxford Business Expo at the Kassam Stadium on Thursday, 15 June 2023.  The Expo is Oxford's largest networking event for local businesses. URM can be found on Stand 17 at the Expo, where it will be providing advice and guidance to attendees on how they can improve their information security and how they can best protect themselves against the latest cyber threats.

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April 2023

URM Transitions to ISO 27001:2022

Having been certified to ISO 27001 since 2005, when the world’s foremost information security management standard was originally published, URM became one of the UK’s first organisations to transition to the latest version of the Standard (2022) in April 2023.  Lisa Dargan, Director, at URM comments “ISO 27001 has always been absolutely central to the consultancy, training services and products we offer, and we were delighted to be one of the first to transition to the 2022 version. Our experiences are proving invaluable too in helping to advise and guide others achieve a seamless transition.”

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January 2023

Cyber Essentials Scheme Being Updated on 24 April 2023

On 23 January 2023, the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) published an updated set of requirements, version 3.1, for the Cyber Essentials Scheme which come into force on 24 April 2023.   Whilst the changes are described as being more light touch in comparison to the 2022 update, extra guidance and clarification is provided on compulsory and non-compulsory controls.  A significant number of clarification and guidance updates have been made to improve the user friendliness and accessibility of the Scheme.  Of greater significance to many organisations, 24 April 2023 represents the deferred date when they will need to meet the 2022 update requirements by protecting all Cloud-based user accounts with multi-factor authentication (MFA), removing or segregating all unsupported software and supporting all in-scope thin clients with security updates.

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January 2023

URM Awarded Accreditation to the CREST OWASP Verification Standard

In November 2022, URM became one of the first companies in the UK to be awarded accreditation to the CREST OWASP Verification Standard (OVS ) to deliver both Level 1 and Level 2 Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS) and Mobile Application Security Verification Standard (MASVS) assessments for Web and mobile applications.

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October 2022

ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Published on 25 October

On 25 October 2022, the International Organization for Standardization published the latest version of ISO 27001 and updated its title to ‘Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection — Information security management systems — Requirements’.  In line with its title, this latest version of ISO 27001 reflects a broader context and that preventing, detecting and responding to cyberattacks is now considered, as well as protecting information and data.

The 2022 version of the Standard provides the updated requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving an information security management system (ISMS) within the context of your organisation.

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PCI SSC Announces Changes to the SAQ A

Published on:
10 Mar

URM’s blog explains the recent update to PCI DSS SAQ-A that has resulted in the removal of 2 new v4 requirements & the additon of new eligibility criteria.

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Data Protection
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Are you Processing Special Category Personal Data Without Knowing It?

URM’s blog breaks down the GDPR requirements around special category personal data and how organisations can avoid processing this data inadvertently.

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Data Protection
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Apple Removes Advanced Data Protection Tool from UK

URM’s blog explores Apple’s removal of its ADP tool following a dispute with the UK government & the ongoing struggle between privacy and law enforcement.

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Information Security
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The Impact of AI on PCI DSS Compliance

URM’s blog explores how AI can impact PCI DSS compliance, both in terms of the benefits it can provide and the challenges it may present.

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It’s one thing having the required technical knowledge, it’s another thing for a consultant to apply that knowledge to the context of our organisation. To use a sporting analogy, we view cyber and information security as a marathon not a sprint. I am not a believer in doing everything all at once. Our approach has been risk based and incremental, remediating our biggest risks first before moving on. I believe this approach is far more sustainable and effective. And URM’s consultants fully understand this and are very pragmatic and tailored in their guidance and advice. They know we are not implementing ISO 27001 purely for the certificate, but more as a framework for continual improvement, and at a pace where new systems and processes can be fully understood and absorbed by our team and be business as usual.
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