Congratulations to the following organisations which have achieved
Cyber Essentials certification through URM
Cyber Essentials certification through URM
Cyber Essentials Certification
URM has been providing certification to the Cyber Essentials scheme for a number of years and has a large team of experienced, pragmatic assessors who are here to support you and guide you through the process.
URM is one of the UK's most trusted training providers in the areas of information security and governance. Check our training program.
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How URM can help?
urm consulting services
urm consulting servicesURM can offer a host of consultancy services to improve your DP policies, privacy notices, DPIAs, ROPAs, data retention schedules and training programmes etc.
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urm consulting services
urm consulting servicesAs a long-established PCI QSA, URM is able to deliver a full PCI QSA-led audit and produce a report on compliance (RoC) as well as deliver a full QSA-led self-assessment questionnaire (SAQ)
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urm consulting services
urm consulting servicesIf you want to learn more about ISO 27002:2022 and how to implement the new controls and the new attributes, you can attend URM’s ISO 27001:2022 Control Migration Course.
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