PCI DSS Gap Analysis
If you are looking to assess and measure your current cardholder processing activities and practices against the Standard, URM can assist by delivering a PCI DSS gap analysis. This is often the first step in any PCI DSS project and provides a roadmap for PCI DSS certification. This PCI DSS service typically involves one of URM’s Qualified Security Assessors (QSAs) spending time on site with the key individuals responsible for the PCI DSS programme, e.g., those involved in network administration and cardholder systems, as well as those involved in developing policies and processes/procedures.
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Why URM?
Track record and experience
URM has a team of expert consultants across multiple security disciplines who are all highly experienced in assisting organisations in gaining PCI DSS compliance. Our consultants have worked with hundreds of different companies across a wide range of industries, including local government, entertainment, retail, hospitality, IT services, charities, and many more. They also have experience of working with companies of various sizes ranging from self-employed individuals to multi-national corporations. So, whatever your PCI DSS needs are, URM will be able to provide a QSA who understands your organisation and can offer the best advice and guidance to help you achieve compliance.
Pragmatic Approach
All of URMs QSAs pride themselves on their pragmatic approach to both compliance and assessments and will work with you to find the most appropriate and sensible way for you to meet the requirements of the PCI DSS.

PCI SSC Announces Changes to the SAQ A
URM’s blog explains the recent update to PCI DSS SAQ-A that has resulted in the removal of 2 new v4 requirements & the additon of new eligibility criteria.

URM’s blog explores how AI can impact PCI DSS compliance, both in terms of the benefits it can provide and the challenges it may present.

URM’s blog dissects the new PCI DSS requirements around targeted risk analysis, what they involve, and how the 2 types of TRA in the Standard differ.

URM’s blog drills down into the PCI DSS v4.0 requirements around forced password changes, with a particular focus on the addition of zero-trust architecture.