Book FREE Consultation

URM is pleased to provide a FREE 30 minute consultation on Transitioning to ISO 27001:2022 for any UK-based organisation. Once an enquiry form has been submitted, we will be in touch to understand the nature of your enquiry and to book a mutually convenient time for a 30-minute consultation slot with one of URM’s specialists.

GC RTS Assessment

UK’s most experienced and proficient information security auditors has been conducting RTS audits for over a decade

GC RTS Assessment

URM is one of the UK’s most experienced and proficient information security auditing organisations and has been conducting RTS audits for over a decade..  When conducting and reporting on GC RTS audits, URM follows the guidance and advice provided by the GC.  As such, the methodology for conducting audits will be based on enquiry, evidence and observation.  In terms of observation, this is ideally carried out on site and there is an expectation from the GC, unless particular circumstances dictate, that a number of key controls are audited on site.  

The evidence that will be required comprises policies, procedures and documents, such as an IT security policy supported by policies on user access, data backup, change management, cryptographic controls etc.  URM will seek to gather evidence on specific audit areas such as network diagrams, software changes, reviews of penetration tests and vulnerability scans, audit log reviews and training records.  We will look to conduct staff interviews and walkthroughs with evidence noted for selected processes

When reporting on audit results, URM adopts the same terminology as per ISO 27001 certification audits, i.e., major nonconformities, minor nonconformities and opportunities for improvement.  For each control, URM will indicate what evidence was observed and whether your organisation conforms.  If it doesn’t, URM will indicate the level of nonconformance.  For all non conformances, URM will indicate what needs to be done to remedy the situation.

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Please note, we can only process business email addresses.

Why URM?

Track record

URM is one of the UK’s most experienced and proficient information security auditors and has been conducting RTS audits for over a decade and has conducted hundreds of ISO 27001-related audits.  URM has an unparalleled track record of assisting over 400 organisations to achieve and maintain certification to ISO 27001 and as such is perfectly placed to not only conduct audits but conduct gap analyses and help organisations remediate any gaps identified.

Assessor Competence

The Gambling Commission requires that the annual security audit is conducted by an independent and suitably qualified auditor.  All of URM’s auditors hold one or more of the main recognised qualifications, e.g., ISO 27001 Lead Auditor, Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) or Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP).  A number also hold the Payment Card Industry Qualified Security Assessor (PCI QSA) qualification.  Furthermore, RTS audit reports are all peer reviewed before being submitted.

Achieving optimum balance

If used to remediate any gaps, URM’s goal is to achieve the optimum balance between meeting the RTS control requirements and ensuring the control (e.g., policy, process or other documentation) is tailored to your organisation’s size, culture and business objectives.

Information Security FAQISO 27001 FAQ

Implementing Technological Controls in ISO 27001

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URM’s blog offers key guidance on how to effectively implement technological controls in your organisation, the common challenges & how these can be overcome.

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Information Security
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Information Risk Assessment and Treatment in ISO 27001

URM’s blog explains how to conduct information security risk assessments and implement risk treatments that are both efficient and ISO 27001 conformant.

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Information Security
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Developing an ISO 27001 Information Security Policy

URM’s blog discusses how to develop and implement an information security policy that fully conforms to both your organisation’s and ISO 27001 requirements.

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Internal Audit
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Internal Auditing of Management Systems

URM’s blog explains how to plan and execute effective and conformant internal audits of management systems at each stage of the internal audit process.

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Our URM consultant was most helpful. Very constructive with her thoughts. She completely understood the technology we are using to monitor the ISMS, which allowed her to fully appreciate the documentation.
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